So just what the hell is this you might be wondering.
The project's main goals are:
- The collection and preservation of Firefall related content, be that game builds, concept art, fan art.
- The reverse engineering and documentation of the games assets and protocols.
- The development of a server emulator
- A friendly place to hang out and reminisce over what was
Who we are
We are a mishmash of Firefall players that loved the game and believe it was something special and worth trying to preserve and resuscitate.
Hopefully you will join us and help unravel the secrets of the games inner workings!
What we have so far
A quick overview of what we have so far:
- A large collection of Firefall related art assets for you to browse here
- A collection of almost all publicly released Firefall builds
- Complete reverse engineering and parsing of a few of Firefall's file formats
- Partial understanding of others
- Enough of the networking protocol reversed to be able to login and start loading a zone (Can't fully zone in yet but close!!)
- Custom tools to help work with the various file formats
In closing
What we hope to achieve is by no means easy, at all. Reverse engineering the formats and protocols alone is hard work, building a server emulator on top of that even more so.
We are under no illusion that this is hard and odds are it won't result in a working emulator like you would like. Regardless we are going to try!
We hope to see you help us and see how far we can get. Lets try and preserve something that really was special!